Victoria Sills

Victoria Sills

Found objects 1996-1999, Revisited 2019-2020 (2020) Waste material considered unimportant, valueless, absurd, nonsensical, worthless, discarded, no longer useful, undesirable, abandoned, left by the owner.

“They were enough as they were. Unique, pieces of history each with an individual story.  A bit broken, discarded, thrown away, but as a collection, and with time, they became much more than that.”

Victoria is a multidisciplinary artist & relies heavily on the element of intuition to guide her work, trusting in the unknown to allow the process to evolve naturally through time. Her work is created from personal life experiences which she hopes will connect with others on a shared human level. Victoria’s work explores obsession, addiction, isolation & human fragility in an ever-increasing technological world.