Maria Bird 'Redshifts' (2020) maria 2.jpg
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Maria Bird 'Redshifts' (2020)

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Ruth Hazel AKA Fanny Von Beaverhausen 'Rest Here' (2020)

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'Lomea Hoard' Pendant by Sara Trillo

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SOL SYN Piggy Banks

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Karen Wilcox 'Sketch for The Waiting Room I' (1982)

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Karen Wilcox 'Sketch for The Waiting Room ii' (1982)

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Karen Wilcox 'Sketch for The Waiting Room iii' (1982)

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Karen Wilcox 'Sketch for The Waiting Room iiii' (1982)

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Karen Wilcox 'Waiting Study' (1981)

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Karen Wilcox 'The Waiting Room' (1982)

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Karen Wilcox 'Dejected' (1983)

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Karen Wilcox 'Lady in the Blue Hat' (1981)

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Karen Wilcox 'Off Colour' (1983)

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Karen Wilcox 'Old Lady in Leigh' (1983)

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Karen Wilcox 'Feeling Blue, Feeling Sad' (1983)
